Support of Open Access publishing

Support of Open Access publishing

Financial support can be requested from the faculty for Open Access publishing in case the article is intended for publication in Q1 or perhaps Q2 journal with an impact factor. Due to limited resources and increased demand, the Faculty introduces the following principles along which it decides to support applications. Please pay attention to these principles when submitting your application. Questions concerning open access publications can be found in Dean’s Circular No 1/2023. (I.11.), which contains the detailed call for applications.

The application can only be submitted for articles that have already been accepted, and the faculty support is conditional on the applicant applying to the publisher or journal for a full or partial waiver of the APC (Article Processing Charge), for which the Faculty provides a statement signed by the Dean (Appendix 1) about the amount of support the Faculty can provide. In the case of a co-authorship, an additional condition is that if the co-authors are researchers from another institution, the authors with a non-PPK affiliation must sign the declaration on the sharing of the APC (Annex 2). Up to four authors, the statement must be signed by all authors who are not affiliated with PPK. In the case of more authors, only senior authors with non-PPK affiliation need to sign it.

The Faculty funds are open for continuous applications. Application submission:
Open access publishing is available free of charge under the University’s framework agreements. You can find more information on ELTE’s Read and Publish contracts and the journals covered at the following link:
You only need to apply for Faculty funding if the journal in question is not covered by the framework agreements or quotas for that publisher are exhausted for the current year.
