Pre-defense of Carla Liege Pimenta
31. May 2022. 10:00
ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology, 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy street 23–27. Room: 302
2022. May 31. 10:00 -
ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology, 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy street 23–27. Room: 302
Dr. Zoltán Rónay
Prof. Dr. András Németh
Dr. Zoltán Rónay
Dr. habil. Imre Garai
Dr. László Horváth Ph.D
Date and time of pre-defense:
31th of May at 10:00
ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology, 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy street 23–27.
Room: 302
We are looking forward to seeing you!