Musical instrument learning, vocal music and ADHD in the new Educational Science

The role of the family background in learning has been pointed out in many areas, but in the case of instrumental music learning, few such studies are known. Fanni Földi, a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Development and Innovation Centre of Excellence of the University of Szeged, Norbert Szabó, an assistant professor at the Institute of Educational Sciences of the Hungarian Agricultural and Life Sciences University and Krisztián Józsa, a researcher and professor of educational sciences, focused their study on the influence of parents on children's instrumental learning.
In their article, Bernadett Csilla Gáspár, a Master's student of Educational Sciences at ELTE PPK and Attila Rausch, an adjunct professor at the Institute of Educational Sciences at ELTE PPK, report on the experiences and effects of the digital curriculum, focusing on how digital technology has influenced the teaching of singing and music to lower school students.
Vanessa Müller, a PhD student at the University of Szeged, will present the situation of young adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in higher education, their dropout and retention rates.
In the Review section, we present Nóra L. Ritók's new book: Kettésakdt világ, and draw attention to the topicality of an environmental pedagogy book published in 2018.
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