Late course enrolment 2018/19/2

Please be informed that according to the section 62/A of the Academic Regulation for Students late course enrolment can be permitted by the Academic Committee in case the student hands in a request aiming that within a week after the end of the course enrolment period. A delay fee of 3.000 HUF/course is connected to late course enrolment. The request has to contain the teacher’s support also if the course have contact hours/consultation, so in this case the teacher's written permission is obligatory as well.

On the grounds of these, late course enrolment requests for the courses of the Faculty of Education and Psychology can be submitted in the following periods:

• for bachelor and master programmes:
18th February 2019 - 22nd February 2019

• for doctoral programmes:
4th March 2019 - 8th March 2019

Please note that there is no possibility for course enrolment after this period!
The requests can be submitted only on the 'Late course enrolment request form' in the Registrar's Administration Office (Kazinczy street building room nr 115 on the 1st floor).

Please note that requests including missing or false data (e.g. the teacher's signature, code of the subject and/or course (=group)) are rejected automatically.

Student Affairs and Registrar's Office
