Doctoral defence of Zsófia Széll
30. January 2024. 13:00
ELTE PPK, 1075 Budapest Kazinczy u. 23-27. 214-es terem
2024. January 30. 13:00 -
ELTE PPK, 1075 Budapest Kazinczy u. 23-27. 214-es terem
The Doctoral School of Education of Eötvös Loránd University invites you to Zsófia Széll’s public defence of her doctoral dissertation entitled The Case Of Creativity In English Teacher Education: The Teacher Educators’ Perspective At A Hungarian University
to be held at 1.00 pm on Tuesday 30th of January, 2024
The venue of the public defence:
ELTE PPK, Room 214
23-27 Kazinczy str., Budapest 1075
Dr. Éva Szabó senior lecturer
Members of the committee
Prof. Dr. Péter Medgyes prof. emeritus, ELTE PPK
Dr. Margit Szesztay senior lecturer, ELTE BTK
Dr. Magdolna Kimmel retired senior lecturer
Dr. Ágnes Albert senior lecturer
Dr. Uwe Jens Pohl associate professor, ELTE BTK
Dr. Andrea Reményi associate professor, PPKE
Dr. Andrea Fischer associate professor, KRE