Chronotype, resilience in old age and therapeutic difficulties

Unveiling the Impact of Emotional and Physical Abuse on Professional Dancers: Understanding the Link to Physical Symptom
Why might young evening-type people be more at risk of problem drinking?
Difficulties in the therapy of problematic video game-using adolescents
Review of human resource management practices supporting the development of employee wellbeing
Physical Activity and Psychological Resilience in Older Adults: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Heart activity perception: narrative review on the measures of the cardiac perceptual ability
Methodological solutions in the vocational training of SNI and BTMN students
Unveiling the Impact of Emotional and Physical Abuse on Professional Dancers: Understanding the Link to Physical Symptom
Our aim is to uncover how emotional or physical abuse might be linked to physical symptoms, particularly focusing on the experiences of professional dancers. We examined common forms of abuse found in international literature, such as hurtful comments, humiliation, manipulative communication, or non-severe physical abuse. Our study sought to explore how frequently these dancers experience such abuse and to understand the relationship between their physical injuries and their abusive experiences. Using statistical methods, the research analyzes this relationship to present the effects of emotional abuse on the body, providing a deeper understanding of these phenomena.
Why might young evening-type people be more at risk of problem drinking?
Several studies have found that evening (owl) people drink more alcohol more often and more heavily than morning people, and that problem drinking is more common among them. An important question is what factors mediate this effect. Previous studies have confirmed that the relationship may be related to the fact that evening-type individuals are more likely to have sleep difficulties, that they may have a greater need for rewarding experiences, and that evening-type youths may be less controlled by their parents. In addition to these factors, our own research among a large sample of Hungarian young people confirmed that the higher sensation seeking of owl-types and their more frequent going out may play a significant role in the relationship between eveningness and alcohol consumption. Our results also suggested that drinking motives (e.g., if a person consumes alcohol with the expectation that it may help to cope with difficulties, enhance positive experiences, or enhance the experience of social interactions) may also play a mediating role. All these findings may help in planning interventions to reduce problem drinking, especially for evening-type individuals or during the period of shift towards eveningness in adolescence.
Difficulties in the therapy of problematic video game-using adolescents
Gaming disorder is defined as a disease by the latest edition of the International Classification of Diseases. Cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective treatment method for the disease, but in the case of adolescents, the involvement of families is also justified. Beatrix Koronczai's study presents the experiences of the therapy of two adolescent boys. During the therapies, it was necessary for the family to be present in the therapeutic process, however, despite the similar symptom picture, the effectiveness of the treatment still differed. The reason behind this was the different motivation of symptomatic adolescents, their comorbid disorders, their social skills, and the different degree of overinvolvement of the parent-child relationship. In both cases, the involvement of additional specialists was justified, which emphasizes the necessity of multimodal intervention in the case of severe gaming disorder.
Koronczai, B. (2022). Problémás videojáték-használó serdülők terápiájának nehézségei. SERDÜLŐ- ÉS GYERMEK-PSZICHOTERÁPIA, 15(2), 37–49.
Review of human resource management practices supporting the development of employee wellbeing
Current study reviews theoretical and research background of how organizations might approach employee wellbeing. The concept of employee wellbeing covers a wide spectrum of the individual’s working life influencing the person’s bio-psycho-social wellbeing, while having an impact on the efficiency and longterm functioning of the organizations, as well as on the health of society and productivity of the economy. Emphasis has also been put on the economic, environmental and labour market driven context of the continuously changing world, including the severe impacts of pandemic, therefore providing a sound basis for the need of discussing organizational strategies and practices of developing employee wellbeing. Reviewing three models for human resource development practices might support elevating the subject to level of organizational strategies, thus might result in improved employee wellbeing and organizational outcomes. Through their comprehensive and complex approach, the reviewed models might provide a sound basis for the strategic approaches to the development of employee wellbeing.
Physical Activity and Psychological Resilience in Older Adults: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Older adults face numerous unfavorable functional changes caused by aging, but many exhibit resilience, which helps them cope with challenges. Physical activity is positively associated with resilience. Therefore, this systematic literature review aimed to uncover the relationships between physical activity and resilience in older adults. We have analyzed three freely and openly available databases: (a) PubMed/Medline, (b) ScienceDirect, and (c) Google Scholar, which yielded 20 eligible articles based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Most studies (14) were cross-sectional, three were longitudinal, and three others used mindfulness-based or endurance enhancing physical activity interventions. Their results revealed increased resilience even after short-duration and low frequency interventions. Cross-sectional research results also support the positive relationship between physical activity and resilience in older adults, suggesting that the relationship might depend on exercise volume. Still, further research is needed to design interventions, understand the mechanism(s) involved in altering resilience, and maximize physical activity’s benefits in aging people.
Heart activity perception: narrative review on the measures of the cardiac perceptual ability
Measures of cardiac perceptual ability (also called cardiac accuracy) are methods of cardiac interoception, the perception of bodily sensation related to heart activity. This narrative review aims to provide an overview of these methods. We differentiate between three main measurement types: (1) change detection, i.e., when the task is to notice the change in the heart rate; also called: heart rate perception tasks, (2) discrimination tasks, i.e., when the task is to compare the internal sensations with external signal(s); also called: heartbeat detection tasks and (3) tracking tasks, i.e., when the task is to follow and report heartbeats via tapping or counting.
We describe some of the new methods under “mixed methods,” as they share features with more than one of the large measurement types described above. Specific measures differ in various aspects, such as their focus (heart rhythm vs. single beats), their sensitivity to non-conscious sensations and the calculated indices (e.g., whether significance level by hypothesis test is provided). When a measure of cardiac perceptual ability is chosen, it is advisable to take its characteristics into consideration in light of the planned research.
Methodological solutions in the vocational training of SNI and BTMN students
The national vocational education system that was implemented in 2020, along with the significant rise in the number of students with special educational needs (SEN) and individual learning and behavioural difficulties (ILBD) indicators, presents challenges for the professionals and dual training sites involved in vocational education, especially in the absence of a specific vocational methodology. Most of the students in this group pursue their studies in vocational schools that do not grant a high school degree after primary school, and their vocational education and transition to entering the labour market a serious professional challenge.
On 21 April 2023, the Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education and the Hungarian Pedagogical Society held a conference on this topic entitled "Opportunities and Challenges", which was also published in a special issue of the journal Opus et Educatio. The authors of the article "Methodological solutions in the vocational training of SEN and ILBD students" are Katalin Turcsik, a school psychologist at Öveges Technical and Vocational School, and Ildikó Dunás-Varga, an assistant lecturer at BGGYK and doctoral candidate at the Doctoral School of Education and Andragogy Programme of the PPK, summarized the main messages of the conference on the problems in the classroom, in the school workroom, in the dual training site, and in assessment and examination, highlighting some effective and modern solutions and methodological principles: taking into account individual abilities; the importance of action learning, demonstration, developmental assessment, the use of motivational tools; and they emphasize the need to expand the content of the target group's knowledge in general pedagogical education.