Call for applications for the 2024/2025 National Higher Education Scholarship at Faculty of Education and Psychology
Students with outstanding academic and professional achievements – as a financial recognition of their accomplishments and with a view to supporting the preservation of their performance – shall be awarded the National Higher Education Scholarship for the 2024/2025 academic year by the minister in charge of education. The regulations on awarding the National Higher Education Scholarship are contained in Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education as well as in Government decree 51/2007 (III. 26.) on grants available for and fees payable by higher education students. Section 110 and 437 of Academic Regulations for Students of Eötvös Loránd University (ARS of ELTE) sets the regulations of the Faculty of Education and Psychology.
Full-time students of Bachelor’s or Master’s programmes can apply for National Higher Education Scholarship regardless whether they are self-financed or state-funded.
The number of Scholarship recipients at PPK is 21 students alltogether (Hungarian and international students).The National Higher Education Scholarship shall be awarded for a full academic year (10 months), and the scholarship’s monthly amount in 2024 shall be HUF 40.000 (cca 100 EUR) and only be disbursed in the 2024/2025 academic year. In case the student’s student status is terminated (no matter the cause) or passive during the spring semester of the academic year 2024/2025, he or she cannot be a holder of the National Higher Education Scholarship. Students awarded the National Higher Education Scholarship shall not be excluded from eligibility for the academic scholarship, which includes Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship as well.
The conditions of submitting the application
Who can apply?Students are eligible if they are
- full-time students of Bachelor’s or Master’s programmes,
- had two active semesters, and
- completed at least 55 credits.
Students are also eligible if they finish their studies in the current semester and will continue it on Master’s degree programme from the next semester.
The application can only be submitted electronically in Neptun, in the Administration>Requests menu. The form will be available between the 3st of June 8:00 and 4 July 2024 08:00 am named „National higher education scholarship – 2024/25”. You can find the documents that can be submitted as annexes by applicants to verify listed items in The conditions for submitting and assessing the application and in the Grading system for the evaluation. The documents should be submitted electronically, attached to the Neptun form (in pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, ppt etc. format). The supplements should be listed in their respective boxes, and you should include the number and title of the Grading system of evaluation they refer to at the beginning of each point (for eg. II.4.b. foreign language at the scientific conference [title of lecture, name and date of conference]; III.4.a. member of a contemporary help group). The downloadable documents include Guide: Equivalence of categories of the application form in Neptun and of those found in the grading system.
About ‘Professional activities’ and ‘Activities related to public life, sports and other areas’ that are acceptable for the application you can inquire from the coordinator of the International Office. During the decision-making process – if it’s needed – the committee making the decision has the right to ask the applicant to submit the original document of the supplement within three business days. Without the original document’s submission the applicant cannot receive points for said title.
Documents and completions submitted for the application can only be evaluated if they were completed after 3 July 2023, which was the deadline for submissions at the previous year. Documents submitted also have to be written after this date.
Deadline 4 July 2024. 08:00 am.
ATTENTION! Applications will be evaluated based on the documents submitted electronically, missing or additional documents cannot be submitted after the submission deadline, but documents can still be added after submission while the request is available in Neptun.Questions regarding the submission and evaluation of applications can be sent to the e-mail address.
The Student Affairs and Registrar's Office evaluates the students' data.
The applications are ranked by the Academic Committee of the Students’ Union on the basis of the Grading system for the evaluation of the application. The Student Affairs and Registrar's Office informs the students of the results in Neptun on 10 July 2024.
An appeal against the decision can be filed in the Jogi, Igazgatási és Közbeszerzési Igazgatóság / Legal, Administrative and Public Procurement Directorate only in e-mail to the address, until 9:00 pm, 25 July 2024.
Budapest, May 31, 2024