Anxiety versus ego strength

Investigating the ingredients of perceived safety: development of intervention tools and programmes for different actors and institutions functional at various segments of social safety

Anxiety versus ego strength

During the implementation of the project, social safety will be interpreted on three levels of societal functioning in line with the results of the EVS. According to this interpretation social safety is a skill and/or competence which is experienced by individuals and community members as a consequence of a high level confidence in social institutions and which can result in individual and social competencies which will lead to the appropriate recognition, prevention of and coping with unexpected risky life situations. 
The project aims at revealing the components of perceived safety or lack of it. We’ll also concentrate on the conditions of developing an elevated level of perceived safety. We’ll describe those conditions which can undermine the development of such environments in the different domains of social behavior. During the implementation of the project apart from investigating the relevant ingredients of perceived safety we will also develop and evaluate pilot interventions.